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Attack of the Clones Review (2010)

Mike StoklasaJocelyn Ridgely
Mike Stoklasa


Attack of the Clones Review (2010) is a English movie. Mike Stoklasa has directed this movie. Mike Stoklasa,Jocelyn Ridgely are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2010. Attack of the Clones Review (2010) is considered one of the best Comedy movie in India and around the world.

Harry continues his dissection of the pathetic Star Wars prequels with Attack of the Clones, and how Anakin and Padme's "love" story is only the tip of the ice berg.

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Attack of the Clones Review (2010) Reviews

  • A must see


    Even if you are a fan of the "Star Wars prequels", this is definitely a review you should watch. Portrayed by Mike Stoklasa, the insane Mr. Plinkett voices his criticisms of "Star Wars Attack of the Clones" using comedy and his overall knowledge of movies. The Mr. Plinkett reviews are spoofs of fanboy criticism of movies and, needless to say, Stoklasa does a good job of showing it that way, but making relevant and intriguing points about the movie at the same time in his own unique way. There are some problems like he uses a very monotone voice throughout the review, but besides that, there are not too many major problems. This is one review that even if you are a fan of the prequels, you can still laugh and enjoy the criticisms of Plinkett as long as you don't take it too personally, which many have.

  • Amusing Blow-by-Blow Deconstruction of the Prequel


    This review mixes the comic styles and sarcasm of "The Nostalgia Critic" with actual serious college-level analysis as to why the "Attack of the Clones"--and the "Star Wars" prequels in general--are flawed. Done straight, a blow-by-blow analysis might be dreadfully boring. Luckily, the reviewer plays his review for laughs by deconstructing the movie in the guise of a fictional character: a lovable homicidal maniac who sounds like Zoidberg from "Futurama" and has a strange affinity for pizza rolls. The silliness of the character makes the one-hour review a real treat to watch. The reviewer's analysis of *why* "Attack of the Clones" stunk is impressive. He really does a remarkable job picking apart every last detail of the film, from the clumsy writing for the love scenes, the implausible special effects, the lack of logic with regards to the multiracial Jedi using light sabers, and the poorly-defined characters. This reviewer should be a professor at a film school; he's that precise with his criticisms! If you're not a film buff, you might not find this interesting, even through the use of a fictional character; still, for fans (or haters) of the Star Wars prequels, Red Letter Media provides a real treat. You probably won't agree with every point the reviewer makes (and I get the impression he doesn't take every point seriously), but you'll nevertheless find him fascinating and amusing. The main flaw with this review is the inclusion of a plot revolving around a hooker trapped in the reviewer's house of evil. This seems perfunctory and superfluous, tacked on in order to add depth to a fictional character that needs none at all. Other than that, sit back and enjoy!

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