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Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game (2018)

Candace Cameron BureLexa DoigMarilu HennerPeter Benson
Terry Ingram


Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game (2018) is a English movie. Terry Ingram has directed this movie. Candace Cameron Bure,Lexa Doig,Marilu Henner,Peter Benson are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game (2018) is considered one of the best Crime,Drama,Mystery movie in India and around the world.

Librarian and member of Lawrenceton's Real Murders discussion club Aurora Teagarden - "Ro" to her friends and family - has acted as big sister to her cousin Phillip Pifer ever since he started attending Lawrenceton College. Her time with him is somewhat to take her mind off missing who was her serious boyfriend Martin Bartell, the two who broke up after he moved away to rejoin the CIA. Although Ro states she isn't ready to date again yet, her best friend, newspaper reporter Sally Allison, and her mother, realtor Aida Teagarden, believe otherwise. For Phillip's birthday, Ro and Aida invite him out to dinner along with his dorm roommate Josh Farrell and Josh's girlfriend Tammy Driscoll. When Ro goes looking for them after they miss dinner on what ended up being a lie told by Phillip, she discovers Tammy's dead body in the back alley behind the salon where she had a hair appointment, her death in a seeming hit and run. The police investigation is led by Detective Arthur Smith, once a ...

Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game (2018) Reviews

  • It is just fun people.


    It is just a movie, from a book. All in fun. What is refreshing is there is no major bloodshed, no gruesome scenes, no in your face sex, no cursing. We need just silly, fun little mysteries that can take us away from the political garbage. Who cares if she works or not. The whole cast works well together. Although a few have changed from the past, but are ok. I look forward to these series and enjoy them. Prior to watching you know what you are in for. These are not Oscar winning shows. Simple middle of the week entertainment. Aurora's friend Sally cracks me up and the casting for Henner as her mother is down right spot on. Keep these coming if not for anyone else but me. Love them.

  • On behalf of the visiting cousin from Arizona


    Candace Cameron Bure is back as our sluething librarian Aurora Teagarden in The Disappearing Game. A lot of the series regulars are also back as Marilu Henner as her mother, Lexa Doig as her helpful reporter friend and Peter Benson as the patient detective who really still doesn't know what to do with Auora. In some ways her sleuthing won't be containe as this involves a visiting cousin from Arizona now enrolled in school in her town. On one night the cousin and a friend just disappear and a girl they knew was killed in a hit and run. Shortly after that another male student peer also disappears and now the police and the university have one dead and three missing students on their hands. The solution is a little farfetched and all I'll say is that a bit of insanity runs in a certain family and not in the family originally thought to have it. Fans of the series should like it.

  • Wanted to like it -"spoilers"


    I like Candace Cameron Bure, but this movie IMO crossed the line. Bursting into a kids college dorm, bursting into a woman's home unwanted, a really ridiculous stakeout, multiple obstructions and interfering with a murder investigation and the police detective REALLY looking like a schlub. It was just too much. I would think the writers could do much better than this. As others have noted, way too many holes all over the story.

  • Use to enjoy


    I use to enjoy these Hallmark films but this time I was bored. Roe is so pushy and Sally is a weak person. Had enough of these.

  • Scripts are going downhill


    When the movies started, Aurora clues where usually ignored by the police which led to "believable" desire to follow them up in her mystery solving, but now she knows both the chief of police and the Mayor who both take her seriously. Yet the scripts still have her doing stupid things, interfering in investigations and putting hers and other people's lives at risk. Come on Scriptwriters. Yes its Hallmark movies but at least TRY to use your intelligence and put together a movie that actually makes me want to believe in the main character instead of hoping she's arrested.

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