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Body Keepers (2018)

Trevor LyonsAustin AllweinChantelle DarlenaMeg Smith
Shelly Cole


Body Keepers (2018) is a English movie. Shelly Cole has directed this movie. Trevor Lyons,Austin Allwein,Chantelle Darlena,Meg Smith are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2018. Body Keepers (2018) is considered one of the best Thriller movie in India and around the world.

A Nederland, Colorado teen goes missing. In class the next day, a group of mismatched kids get into an argument about her whereabouts and are put on a team for a festival event. They decide to break into a shed to steal a part for their project where a body is kept on dry ice. Awakening an evil entity, they find out the true meaning of ice cold hell.

Body Keepers (2018) Reviews

  • amateurish


    Amateurish film. Amateurish acting, filming, photography, lighting .... avoid

  • Another over rated film, err, garbage


    Well well well, yet another example of what is so bad with US horror movies on a low budget. I could have acted sooooo much better.

  • Nothing


    There is nothing good that can be said about this movie,from go to whoa it is an absolute stinker in every way,shape and form.The script is awful,the camera work is awful and the acting is just woeful,it was just my stubborness to watch any movie I start from beginning to end so that I can leave an honest review that kept me at it,an absolute relief when it ended as badly as it began.Whatever you do,steer well away from this pile of dung.

  • Absolute crap on so many levels!


    Ha - Even with this film being so, so, so, so, so crap, I watched it all. I can confirm that it is absolute crap, with crappy, crappy acting, a crappy, crappy plot and a crappy, crappy everything else. What the hell possessed me to watch it all, I really don't know. By the way, clearly the 10 ratings are fakes. No way is it a 1 even - but IMDB doesn't provide 0s or negative ratings. So guys and gals, watch something else, but definitely not this!

  • A Real Review


    No one on Earth would give this movie 10 stars. No one. It's poorly written and very slow moving. It appears to want to be a sort of teen Freddie or Jason or take your pick movie but it's just not good. The acting is moderately better than other indie movies of this ilk, but that doesnt help much. The direction is way too bad. Action doesn't keep moving. It's really not a particularity good movie but it's the really bad writing that really sinks it. I gave it 2 stars cuz they tried.

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