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Hava Nagila: The Movie (2012)

Harry BelafonteRegina SpektorGlen CampbellLeonard Nimoy
Roberta Grossman


Hava Nagila: The Movie (2012) is a English movie. Roberta Grossman has directed this movie. Harry Belafonte,Regina Spektor,Glen Campbell,Leonard Nimoy are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Hava Nagila: The Movie (2012) is considered one of the best Documentary,Comedy,History,Music movie in India and around the world.

It's to music what the bagel is to food - a Jewish staple that has transcended its origins and become a worldwide hit. Bob Dylan sang it. Elvis, too. And that's only the beginning when it comes to Hava Nagila. Follow the infectious party song on its fascinating journey from the shtetls of Eastern Europe to the cul-de-sacs of America in this hilarious and surprisingly deep film. Featuring interviews with Harry Belafonte, Connie Francis, Glen Campbell, Leonard Nimoy, Regina Spektor and more, HAVA NAGILA (THE MOVIE) takes viewers from Ukraine and Israel to the Catskills, Greenwich Village and Hollywood, using the song as a springboard to explore Jewish history and identity and to spotlight the cross-cultural connections that can only be achieved through music.

Hava Nagila: The Movie (2012) Reviews

  • Fun flick


    Documentaries tend to get lost among theatrical releases. Here's a fun one to track down. It is sort of a one note or one song pony and may pale in comparison to more serious subject matter documentaries. It moves along at a fun pace with very little new footage but plenty of old clips and shots from other Hollywood features including some you would expect and a few surprises such as "True Grit" and "Thoroughly Modern Millie." This film will not change the world and maybe it doesn't take a stand as to who really wrote the song but it is interesting and entertaining. If you can't find it in a theater it will be coming to cable soon . Sit back and enjoy it.

  • Funny, interesting


    Don't believe the low rated score, probably deliberately skewed low for "certain reasons". This movie was funny, interesting little documentary. A delightful look into Jewish culture for those of us non-Jews who know this song so well but have no idea about it's background or influence. Although on the surface it's about the song, in examining the song it gives a deeper look into Jewish culture. It looks at the history of the song and it's progression of the decades into modern pop culture. All in a light, interesting way. Recommended. Although be forewarned, you will hear the song about 100 times during the course of the documentary!

  • ****


    Absolutely a wonderful documentary giving the history of this noted song. It transcends from its beginnings in the Ukraine, to Europe, and to the U.S., before becoming a totally world phenomenon. It's emphasis is the depiction that joy must be a part of Jewish life, no matter how much we have suffered through various persecutions. Scenes from films depicting this joy are shown throughout the documentary. People such as Harry Belafonte and Connie Francis, both of whom shall always be remembered for their renditions for this time-honored song are interviewed along with late Leonard Nimoy.

  • Some songs make the soul sing


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