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Hulk Blood Tapes (2015)

Hulk Blood Tapes (2015)

Ben BowraJared CohnKaryn CohnAshley Miller
Jared Cohn


Hulk Blood Tapes (2015) is a English movie. Jared Cohn has directed this movie. Ben Bowra,Jared Cohn,Karyn Cohn,Ashley Miller are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2015. Hulk Blood Tapes (2015) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

Five friends on a road trip to see their favorite band are detoured along the way, and when they become lost, they find they're willing to do anything to survive the night.

Hulk Blood Tapes (2015) Reviews

  • The zillionth Blair Witch rip-off


    HULK BLOOD TAPES is yet another indie found footage flick that takes the form of a horror movie in which a bunch of friends become lost in the woods following a car accident. The title refers to a band that the friends are on the way to see and has no superhero connection. It surprises me that some sixteen years after THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT that blatant rip-offs are still being made of that film, but here we are and so they continue. This one's devoid of incident and atmosphere like most of them, failing to engage the senses in any respect. The location is too sunny and never feels sufficiently isolated to be creepy, while the sweary British guy quickly grated on me. It's also a film with poor picture quality, making it look much older than it really is.

  • What exactly are IMDb's requirements for adding a movie to the database?


    I'd like to first apologize to everyone involved with "Hulk Blood Tapes" because I'm sure you're proud and had good intentions for this found footage attempt. The finger has to be pointed at IMDb for allowing anything to be considered a movie and added to the site. I'm an avid found footage fan, having seen hundreds, but this is easily the worst I've ever seen. On paper it actually sounds original and intriguing. A group of friends take a road trip to follow their favorite metal band but things take a change for the worse. If more effort had been put into everything, it could have been really good. Here comes the spoilers so please stop reading if you don't want to know what happens. In short, everyone in the car keeps offering the driver some weed or a beer, which he declines but eventually takes. The worst portrayal of a car accident in the history of cinema occurs leaving one dead and another severely wounded by a broken rib. Although she walks for quite a while into the woods with the survivors, she mentions that she thinks she broke a rib. Instead of turning around and someone running to the previous city for help, they continue to move further into the woods getting more and more lost. I've had three separate broken ribs and unless it punctures your lung, you'll not only live, but there's no operation needed. The gang decides that they need to put her out of her misery and one of them strangles her. If this meets the criteria of what a movie must have to be listed on IMDb, I have several student projects along with a actual released live DVD of a performance from my band to add. The problem with that is I don't wish to embarrass myself or stain the reputation of what I'd previously considered the go to site for movies. Good luck to those who made the film. Prove me wrong next time.


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