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Mythica: The Iron Crown (2016)

Mythica: The Iron Crown (2016)

Melanie StoneAdam JohnsonJake StormoenNicola Posener
John Lyde


Mythica: The Iron Crown (2016) is a English movie. John Lyde has directed this movie. Melanie Stone,Adam Johnson,Jake Stormoen,Nicola Posener are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2016. Mythica: The Iron Crown (2016) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Drama,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.


Mythica: The Iron Crown (2016) Reviews

  • Mythica The Iron Crown: Part 4, on par with the rest


    I love fantasy genre films, there simply aren't enough of them. When Hollywood make them they're often pants and when indie developers try they usually swing above their weight and simply can't make a movie of that type on such a limited budget. Along came Mythica back in 2014, a crowd funded fantasy effort that though flawed had a real charm about it and developed a real following and a flock of sequels. 4 movies in, with the same cast and following the same story, Mythica is holding ground and though nothing special in the grand scheme of things they are perfectly watchable. Here our party of heroes return minus Teela who fell in the last film, with a returning Kevin "Atheists are bad derp-de-derp" Sorbo and arch villain Necromancer. As with the previous three I enjoyed every hokey minute of it and was left wondering what the Mythica series could have been with a bit more money behind it. With a delightful recurring cast and a real light hearted charm Mythica scores with a win again even if it isn't a big one. The Good: Fantastic cast as usual Some great ideas The Bad: Kevin Sorbo Not the best story

  • Enjoyable fantasy


    I picked this up in the charity shop. I hadn't seen any of the earlier Mythica movies but that wasn't necessary. The film does a good job of setting the scene, and you get the idea of what it is all about from the first 10 minutes or so. The plot at first seems somewhat contrived (apparently there are several powerful magical artifacts involved), but as the story progresses it begins to make more sense. The main characters have good chemistry and I thought that the "bad guy" was really good too. Of course, it's pretty standard Dungeons & Dragons fare (the main characters are a Mage, Ranger / thief, and a Fighter / Paladin) but if you are OK with that then you will enjoy this.

  • Good looking, and, um...


    Episode 4 sees Marek and chums in pursuit of something or other, probably another bit of the Darkspore, in a pickup truck dressed entirely in old floorboards, while pursued by some bloke with tomahawks, a flying machine also made entirely of old floorboards, and assorted thingies in black bin liners. Eventually they end up in a shalliow lake where an ancient Egyptian bodybuilder hangs out. I now know what to expect. Production value in costume and locations, special effects ambitious but limited, acting adequate, fight choreography unconvincing, script OK, story a bit ho-hum. And there's usually a moment which makes you go "Oh, come on!" In this case, Marek is rolling around fumbling for her staff while the creepy bad thing which is trying to kill her... doesn't.

  • Entertaining, but too comical.


    The fourth installment and a new director. Almost the entire film is set on a huge Mad Max-ish wagon. The visual effects are better than the previous films, but unfortunately the film is more comical. I enjoyed Dagen's comical remarks in the previous films and him being the film's comic relief, but it is taken to an entirely different level in this film - from all the characters. I must be honest it doesn't suit Marek's character. Eve Mauro was very bad as antagonist Admiral Borlund Hess and turned the film into a slapstick spectacle. I also missed the awesome music of the previous films. Nevertheless, it was still an entertaining fantasy adventure.

  • Gods are in the details


    Somehow, the location of the last Dark Spore is known to both Wizard and Dwarf, both wanting to get their hands on it for different purposes. While the wizard keeps the warlock occupied, our team has to not only recover the shard of the Lich King's heart, but also protect it from no less than three different bands trying to get at it. In a way it was a more fun Mythica, with a lot of fights and running around and Warcraft-like dwarfish machines. However, the details were really what stuck out like a sore thumb. The fighting scenes were choreographed really badly, with people that are obviously not fighters doing clumsy moves. God, I miss Danielle Chuchran! Then the little scenes, where the personality of a character could have shone through, they completely missed the spot! In the end it was fun, but at every turn that could have been interesting something went really badly. I mean, I understand they cannot do focus groups on the result and reshoot the bad scenes, it's not that kind of budget, but when they shoot them, don't actors and directors feel something is off? See the scene where they make a deal, the bad guy gives their item first and the good guys go through with the deal, even when the fate of the world hangs in the balance. And the evil guys. They could be so much fun! The warlock has no sense of humor, he only wishes to kill everything. Why? What's the point? Anyway, bottom line is that I am amazed how little the show improves with each iteration. I can accept almost everything, from bad acting, directing, editing, sound, CGI... which funny enough are rare in Mythica, they do a good job with what they have. But I can't really be comfortable with a lack of progress. Whatever you do, guys, try to learn from it at least a little!


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