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Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012)

Bill Oberst Jr.Kent IgleheartRhianna Van HeltonBrennen Harper
Richard Schenkman


Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012) is a English movie. Richard Schenkman has directed this movie. Bill Oberst Jr.,Kent Igleheart,Rhianna Van Helton,Brennen Harper are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2012. Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012) is considered one of the best Action,Comedy,Horror movie in India and around the world.

As Abraham Lincoln labors over the Gettysburg address, the importance of which he is fully aware, he learns that a menace from his past has returned, threatening to tear the already fractured nation to pieces. He must journey behind enemy lines to face an foe far more fearsome than the Confederate army: the walking dead.

Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies (2012) Reviews

  • OK, That's My Fault


    During the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln (Bill Oberst Jr.) realizes that there are zombies in the Confederate army and he organizes a small group of agents from the Secret Service to take over a fort in Savannah from the enemy to fight against the undead. He has to face not only the walking dead, but also Confederate soldiers, a traitor and his former love Mary Owens (Baby Norman). I saw the IMDb rating of "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" and decided to watch this flick; therefore that is my fault. I was expecting to see a funny trash, but I found an awfully boring movie with no story, dreadful acting and cheap CGI. The lead actor is terrible and it might be sad and offensive for the American viewers to see the use the name of American personalities in such lame movie. My vote is two. Title (Brazil): Not Available

  • Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?


    The Asylum has it's little niche. Doing bad ripoffs of big Hollywood films on the hope stupid people will buy them from Netflix, Blockbuster or Redbox not knowing what they are. The term is "Mockbuster",and the Asylum is the master of it. Because someone decided to create a movie called "Abraham Lincoln-Vampire Hunter", the folks at Asylum decided that the Great Emancipator didn't have enough people disgracing his memory. Lincoln leads a team of Secret Service Agents to fight a Zombie outbreak in Savannah Georgia, which also includes running into Pat Garret, Teddy Roosevelt as a child, Stonewall Jackson and John Wilkes Booth. Other than the name dropping, the bad Civil War Re-enactments and other contempt for the audience's intellect, this is a typical cheap zombie movie. I should point out the makeup work is truly awful. You couldn't tell the protagonists from the Zombies without a scorecard and some of the fake beards were laughable (Especially the aforementioned Stonewall Jackson.) It's been 40+ years since "Night of the Living Dead", come up with some new ideas, cheap film makers. Sometimes Asylum films can be little gems of people trying, and sometimes they can be inadvertently funny. This film was neither.

  • Abraham Lincoln would be Turning in his grave, as a Zombie


    What The Hell Did I Just Watch!?!?!?!?!?! THIS WAS CRAP!!!!!!!!! DO NOT WATCH THIS!!!!! I don't know why I watched this, I thought it would be funny. I was wrong. The story is of Abraham Lincoln fighting off Zombies. Some of the Worst CGI possible. I could make a more realistic looking Zombie in Paint. Asylum (See what I did there) WHY DO YOU MAKE ME AND OTHERS SUFFER? Plants vs Zombies has a more realistic Story. AND IT DOESN'T HAVE A STORY! I wish I could rate this film less than a 1 but I can't. Again. Don't watch this. You could be spending your time doing something more interesting, like listening to your Grandfather talk about the war or washing your car. Zombies must have eaten the brains of the Script Writers because they obviously have no Brains. Again. DO NOT WATCH!!!!!

  • So bad I loved it...


    OK, first off, it's a movie called Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies. If you really expected something serious or good, the title was warning enough. I guess I was just in the mood for some stupidity. I gave it a 3 of 10, but I have to say, even though it was bad, there were moments I really did laugh out loud. For example, when the little kid is sitting on Abe Lincoln's shoulders and telling him to move left and right so he can shoot zombies on the other side of a brick wall that Lincoln can't see over... Hysterical. The kid's shooting a big old musket, and there is no smoke, no recoil, and he never has to reload it! Just BANG, BANG, BANG... Dead Zombies. To me, that embodied the whole movie. If you can look past such obvious problems with having reality get in the way of the movie, you might get a good laugh out of it. I mean, after all, it is a zombie movie... There are two types of zombie movies in my book, the ones where you go "ok, here's the crazy scenario that you might have to face zombies" (like I Am Legend or 28 Days Later), and then there is the "who the heck cares, it's a Zombie movie, let's get goofy." This is the ladder, and as such, it's funny as heck. But, even for the ladder, it does move a little slow, it's no Zombieland... So, I give it a 3.

  • Mr. Lincoln kicking zombie butt, then later this year kicking vampire butt? Sure, why not...


    Alright, whether or not "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" is The Asylum's attempt to cash in on the (what looks to become a major picture) "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" or not, well I have no idea about that. But it does seem a bit strange that just prior to the major Hollywood production release of the latter movie, The Asylum decided to put this on the market. That being said, then it seems awfully a lot like what happened with "I am Omega" and the major Hollywood picture "I am Legend" incident. Regardless of the reasons for why "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" came into existence, then I have now seen it, not because I am American (which I am not), nor because it was with historically important American president Abraham Lincoln, no, but simply because it was something with zombies. Taking place during the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and a selection of twelve secret service agents find themselves facing a threat of the living dead as they attempt to take over a ford. However, the living dead is not the only enemy the Union people are facing. The story, oddly enough, was actually rather captivating and it managed to keep me interested right up to the very end. The storyline is a bit out there, when you think about it, but then again, isn't anything with zombies that? But that is not what I mean. What I meant was taking a historically important figure like Abraham Lincoln and have him battle zombies with a scythe? (And then later on this year, he will be battling vampires!) But oddly enough, in a comical sense, then the movie actually worked out quite nicely. Having seen a bunch of previous works from The Asylum, then I can honestly say that they went all in this time, guns blazing and digging deep into their pockets. This movie is such a major step up the ladder, production-wise, for The Asylum, and just looking at the movie on the screen is a testament to them suiting up and stepping up to join the major league of movie production. The cinematography was great, the effects were great, and the people they had cast did great jobs. So it was really a refreshing touch to The Asylum's production value. As for the zombies in "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies", well, then they actually looked alright, though there wasn't any major decay going on in them, as I assume they were to be recently deceased, and that worked out okay. The gore in the movie was alright as well, it just enough to keep a gorehound like me interested. And again, it was nice to see The Asylum step up and use better effects and CGIs for a change. However, one thing did puzzle me about the zombies. They opted to stray from the mainstream zombie, and had them standing about in a deathlike-slumbering trance when they weren't agitated by sound. That I found odd, why would they only be attracted to sound? So they had all lost the sense of sight? But again, it is a matter of personal preference I suppose. Some like Romero-style zombies, some like the fast and agile zombies as those seen in "28 Days Later", and some like something else entirely. I found "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" to actually be good entertainment value. There wasn't any scares or real shock scenes in the movie, which would have been nice. But still, if you like zombie movies and wouldn't mind seeing a somewhat comical approach to the take on Abraham Lincoln, then "Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies" is definitely worth checking out. As for the ending of the movie, well I am not revealing anything here, but there is a twist there in wait. I, personally, didn't really like it, but it was a nice turn of events nonetheless.

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