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Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion (2009)

Justin WhalinRay GriggsDanielle HarrisMichael Rooker
Ray Griggs


Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion (2009) is a English movie. Ray Griggs has directed this movie. Justin Whalin,Ray Griggs,Danielle Harris,Michael Rooker are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2009. Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion (2009) is considered one of the best Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Sci-Fi movie in India and around the world.

Would-be superhero, Ed Gruberman, who possesses no super powers must join a team of misfit heroes-in-training known as The Super Capers. Having only faith, Gruberman must travel through time to uncover an evil plot involving some gold bullion, a fiery femme fatale, and a criminal mastermind with a dark secret about Ed's past.

Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion (2009) Reviews

  • Just plain awful


    The cast is what made me give this a shot. Where to begin... God, this movie is just so bad. The humor is terrible, predictable, and it's all been done before. And been done better. The acting was so overdone, even for a parody movie. In fact, everything was overdone. This should have been a Disney Channel original movie. It even has those constant cartoonish sound effects, probably intended to be cute, that just come off as childish. Two stars for quality of the photography, sound work, background music, etc. Meaning that basically it doesn't look like an independent home movie, but rather does look like it cost some substantial money to make. But a Hollywood budget does not a good movie make, and if that needed proving, this movie's done it.

  • How did this movie get made?


    Don't get me wrong, I love spoof films. Well, good spoof films. But Super Capers isn't a good spoof film. Sure, it has a slightly recognizable cast, with some surprising cameos. And sure, the genre is ripe for a good spoof, and there are a couple (maybe 1 1/2) moments of true humor, but Super Capers just plain misses the mark most of the time. The use of stupid sound effects, giving Whalen the lead and the total lack of any powerful super-villains (a bad guy who waddles really, really fast and a cool looking minotaur) shows that the creator didn't really know what to do beyond "Let's make a movie!". Where did the Writer/Director/Producer/Actor come from? Ray Griggs' only other real production is a 7 minute test reel for a movie about Lucifer that is still "in production" after three years. Where in the world did Griggs get the backing and support to make such a bad "big" movie? These things aren't cheap. If only Neill Blonkamp of "District 9" fame had gotten this kind of backing, he wouldn't have had to waste his time working in the system for over 10 years. If you want a good superhero spoof movie, check out Superhero Movie. It's not Shakespeare, but at least they were a lot closer on the spoof material.

  • a classic among bad films


    A movie virtually guaranteed to wind up in the DVD bargain bin in record-setting time, "Super Capers" is an indescribably awful attempt at superhero parody. It features a group of inept comic book figures, clad in ill-fitting get-ups, who bumble and stumble their way to victory against a passel of toothless bad guys. The movie's idea of humor consists mainly of goofy sound effects and corny musical cues playing on the soundtrack, though I suspect that their sole function is to alert us as to when we should be laughing (there's really no other way for us to know, since, unlike a TV sitcom, it doesn't come equipped with its own laugh track). Out of respect for any possible careers they may still have ahead of them, the actors shall remain nameless, though Adam West (TV's Batman) and June Lockhart stop by to show us just how far has-been actors can be forced to lower themselves when there simply aren't any decent roles left for them anymore. At the end, the director of this fiasco, Ray Griggs, thanks the "directors who inspired" him during his childhood, namely George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis and Peter Jackson. Sounds like the makings of a good class-action lawsuit, if you ask me.

  • A hapless, and clueless super hero wannabe has his day.


    First off, I do not know how to rate this movie. If this was supposed to be a parody, spoof or a satirical take on super heroes and super hero movies it was palatable, but just barely as had its moments that were not too bad. If it was supposed to be a "serious" (I use this term loosely) super hero movie, then I'd give it a -4. The Moviemeter shows it up almost 7400% for the week (HELLO???!!!), so someone is watching this bomb and either likes it, or gets it, or is too wasted to care (my choice; and maybe what one needs to do is be wasted before watching this movie!). Or the entire system is rigged (my personal belief on how movies are rated on....). That this movie actually had a plot, though stolen from too many movies to list, makes me think they were trying for a spoof, but unfortunately did not quite hit the mark. Too bad, as it could have been a fairly okay movie.

  • I know people gotta work, but damn.


    This movie had a 2 million dollar budget, and grossed around $31,000 total. And I guess Tom Sizemore will take anything that is thrown at him these days. I really am at a loss after watching this, seriously. AVOID AT ALL COSTS, should be the tag line for this movie. I have to write a minimum of 10 lines before I submit my review, and I can't think of anything else to say about this turd other than what I have previously stated, so please view at your own discretion. I watched this on Epixdr, and I know I made a big mistake. I know people have to work, and with that being said, They will still make more garbage like this in the future. This makes Green Lantern look like the Godfather.

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